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      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:佩佩教授 更新時間:2017-09-03
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:9313
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

      Abstract: Language is not only a form of communication between peoples, also the carrier of culture .While translation is the medium of communication in different languages. Because of the closely relationship between language and culture, to some extent, some cultural factors will affect the language communication. Due to deficient understanding of the culture differences between the east and the west, it is likely to lead to misunderstanding during the translation. More seriously we might even get into a dilemma, making unnecessary trouble for ourselves. Therefore, that well understanding the impact of culture differences between English and Chinese on translation plays a vital role in the translation.

      This article firstly summarizes the importance and practical significance of knowing well about the Chinese and western cultural differences’ impact on translation, and then clarifies the specific impact of cultural differences on translation through the comparative study method by analyzing the eastern and western cultural differences in terms of regional distribution, economic system, the religious culture, ways of thinking, value differences, etc. Finally, the essay talks about some detailed translation strategies in regard to the eastern and western cultural differences through setting up some examples, including literal translation, free translation and shifting parts of speech. The paper could play a certain significant guiding role in correctly dealing with eastern and western cultural differences in the process of translation.



      Key Words: English-Chinese translation; cultural differences; translation strategies ; practical significance





      Introduction- 1

      1. The great significance of this analytical research on the Chinese and cultural differences’ impact on the translation - 1

      2. The impact of the cultural differences between the east and the west on the translation- 2

        2.1 Impact from regional culture differences- 2

        2.2 Impact from different economic systems- 3

        2.3 Impact from distinct religious culture- 4

        2.4 Impact from historical differences-6

        2.5 Impact from different social customs- 7

        2.6 Impact from separate thinking patterns and values-8

      3.The translation skills to avoid mistranslation in regard to the cultural differences- 10 

      4.  3.1 literal translation and free translation- 11

          3.1.1 The literal translation method- 11

          3.1.2 The free translation method- 11

        3.2 Shift of perspective-12

          3.2.1 Mutual shift between nouns and verbs in English and Chinese.- 13

          3.2.2 Mutual shift between objectives and verbs in English and Chinese- 14 

          3.2.3 Mutual shift between English adverbs and Chinese verbs- 15

          3.2.4 Mutual shift between English preposition group and Chinese verbs- 16 

          3.2.5 Mutual shift between English preposition group and Chinese adverbs- 16 

          3.2.6 Mutual shift between English nouns and Chinese objectives- 17 

      Conclusion- 17 

      References- 18 

      Acknowledgments- 19

      上傳會員 佩佩教授 對本文的描述: Language is not only a form of communication between peoples, also the carrier of culture. While translation is the medium of communication in different languages. Because of the closely relationship between language and culture, to some ex......
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