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      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:我的男朋友 更新時間:2013-10-10
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:7445
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞 《琵琶行》,琵琶形制,演奏技巧,詩意解讀


      Abstract:Pipa was first introduced from Xi Yu to the Central Plains in China in the late Western Han Dynasty. By the Tang Dynasty, with the highly prosperous traditional culture and the harmonious Chinese and Western’s culture, Pipa went into its prosperous age in its development. Tang poetry is one of the Chinese splendid cultural heritages, and an jewelry in the world’s literature. It is worthy of studying in literary field. Since Tang poetry depicted a large number of rhythm, music and the shape and structure of musical instruments in Tang Dynasty, Tang poetry also has a very important value in esthetic examination. This paper takes Tang poet Bai Juyi’s work “Song of a Pipa Player” as an example and discus the interaction between Tang poetry and Pipa. The content has two aspects: Pipas in poems and Pipas’ poetry. Firstly, the texts focus on Pipa in poems, and describe Pipas’ performance forms and techniques, shape and structures, and the prosperity of Pipa in Tang Dynasty. Then it dissertate Pipas’ poetic representation by explaining its emotional intents and techniques. This paper tries to make us reach a level of playing the Pipa with emotion and improve our musical cultivation.

      Key words  “Song of a Pipa Player”,Pipas’ shape and structure, techniques in perform,poetic analysis


         琵琶作為中國民族樂器的瑰寶,享有“民樂之王”、“彈撥樂器之王”的美譽。在中國文學史上, 留有大量賦詠琵琶及其表演的詩詞。其中白居易的千古美文《琵琶行》當屬千古佳作,不僅因其生動描繪的潯陽江頭蕭瑟秋風的自然景色和醉不成歡慘將別的離別情景,更妙在這字里行間悄然呈現的琵琶女憂傷的情思和依稀回蕩耳畔的曼妙音律,將唐詩音樂化,將音樂詩意化,體現了它們之間的相互表現和相互影響,詩詞以文字形式將琵琶藝術加以記述、描繪,琵琶則通過樂音的形式將詩詞悠揚宛轉地展現給人們。這種相互表現和相互影響,就是詩詞與琵琶藝術的完美結合。在我國,對《琵琶行》這一課題的研究已經相當成熟,從詩中琵琶的形制、詩中所蘊含的音樂美學等方面入手。本文主要以白居易的《琵琶行》為例,分別從琵琶藝術在唐詩中的表現和琵琶藝術對唐詩內容的表達兩個方面分析了唐詩與琵琶藝術的交融。


      上傳會員 我的男朋友 對本文的描述:對《琵琶行》這一課題的研究已經相當成熟,從詩中琵琶的形制、詩中所蘊含的音樂美學等方面入手。本文主要以白居易的《琵琶行》為例,分別從琵琶藝術在唐詩中的表現和琵琶藝術......
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