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      英漢翻譯《回家》第 1-6 章.docx

      資料分類:外語學習 上傳會員:番番呀 更新時間:2023-05-09
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:22974
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      《回家》是一本懸疑小說,講述大學畢業后離開英國去迪拜工作的艾薇回家 后卻遭遇家庭背叛的故事。

      艾薇在聽聞父親的死訊后,決定回去英格蘭幫母親料理葬禮事宜。但她回到 英格蘭后,等待她的并不只有家庭的溫馨,隨之而來的還有背叛。此次翻譯實踐 節選書中第一至六章。翻譯所選的前六個章節是小說的開始,作者從主人公艾薇 見心理咨詢師的場景開始,交織著艾薇目前在迪拜生活的場景。這六個章節主要 講述了對于父親離世后,艾薇的遺憾和她對母親的擔憂。因決定幫母親料理葬禮 而回到英國。然而,回到英國,不僅勾起了她童年時跟父親玩耍的回憶,同時也 讓她想起了時常保護自己并因出車禍早逝的哥哥。艾薇在幫母親料理文件時,她 發現對于父親離世,母親的反應很反常。此外,在處理父親的文件時,艾薇還發 現了一張價值兩萬兩千英鎊的可疑存款單。

      作者從描寫艾薇兒時見心咨詢師的場景展開了這本小說,交織著艾薇在迪拜 的生活。小說包含了大幅的對話、環境和心理描寫。格雷漢姆的死給整個家庭都 帶來了創傷。母親因為太過傷而無法承認格雷漢姆已經去世的現實。父親又因為 兒子的去世過分悲痛,而忽略了女兒艾薇。



      Coming home is a mystery novel which tells a story about the family betrayal experienced by Eive who left England after graduating from university and moved to Dubai for work. After Evie heard the news that her dad has passed away, she decided to came back to England to look after her mom. However, after she has come back to England, warmth is not the only thing she encountered, betrayal followed like a shadow. My translation task is the first 6 chapters of this novel. These chapters are mainly about Eive’s regrets for father’s death and worrying about her mom. Coming back to England triggered her childhood memory of playing with her father, and her late elder brother Graham. While helping her mom, Evie found that her mom’s reaction to her father death was abnormal. Besides, when she was sorting out her dad’s files, Evie found a suspicious receipt of a deposit worth 22,000 pounds.

      The author started the novel with a scene of Evie consulting social counselor Miss Dawson, interwoven with her life in Dubai. There were plenty of dialogues, setting depiction, and psychological description in this novel. Graham’s death brought a trauma to her family. Her mother was too sad to admit Graham’s death. Her father was indulged in the grief of losing Graham and ignored his daughter Evie.

      上傳會員 番番呀 對本文的描述:I hated seeing the grief counselor, but I couldn't get out of it. My teachers, unsure of how to handle me, had contacted social services and I'd been assigned weekly meetings with Miss Dawson, a sensible-looking lady to whom I was reluctant ......
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