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      資料分類:中英譯文 上傳會員:孟良山 更新時間:2020-05-12
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      譯文(字數 2436)


      Ellen Greenberger 和 Age B.sorensen



      外文原文(字符數 7273)

      Toward a Concept of Psychosocial Maturity

      Ellen Greenberger and Aage B. Sorensen

      Received July 3, 19 74

      Schools below the college level traditionally have been preoccupied with only one outcome of education: growth in measurable cognitive skills. While there is at present a growing recognition of the school's actual and potential role in promoting personal and social growth, a convincing model of nonacademic objectives is lacking, as is a tool for assessing children 's progress toward nonacademic objectives. To this end, the authors construct a model of psychosocial maturity which specifies measurable attitudes and dispositions. The model of psychosocial maturity integrates sociological and psychological views of the person; that is, it takes into account the requirements of societies as well as the healthy development of individuals. The model outlines three general dimensions of maturity which are likely to be relevant in all societies. These are (1) the capacity to function adequately on one's own, (2) the capacity to interact adequately with others, and (3) the capacity to contribute to social cohesion.Nine attributes judged pertinent to these capacities in this society are then defined. The final sections of the paper discuss problems in the measurement of psychosocial maturity, describe the form of an instrument presently being devised, and suggest research uses of the instrument.

      上傳會員 孟良山 對本文的描述:我概述出了一個領導理論學家們關于個性發展的決定性結果協議的核心的表格。由于它存在各部分之間的交叉(通過對各個理論家的概念的比較),我使心理學發展理論中的一個中心思......
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